Sunday, 15 December 2013

Green Energy Technology in Public Buildings

Building Energy will help you understand your options. 

Solar technology is advancing rapidly and Dynamic Solar Tech is at the forefront. With our creative design team and today’s technologies you have choices beyond standard solar panel installations. Contact us for a FREE COMPETITIVE quote for using solar to generate electricity and to heat domestic water. We are experienced in Solar PV (Photovoltaic), Solar Hot Water systems.
Solar energy offers these advantages
over conventional energy:
■ Free after recovering upfront capital costs. Payback time can be relatively short.
■ Available everywhere and inexhaustible.
■ Clean, reducing demand for fossil fuels and hydroelectricity, and their environmental drawbacks.
■ Can be building-integrated, which can reduce energy distribution needs.
Building Energy’s team of experienced solar professionals will help you understand, assess, and plan the solar energy solution that best meets your needs. We will work as your partner through all the various stages of solar system implementation including site assessment, component selection, and installation.
A Site Assessment includes a shading analysis, roof inspection and review of your existing mechanical systems. We will also review your recent utility bills with you so that we can recommend the best system to meet your energy requirements.
Building design issues Careful solar design can:
■ Maximize possible solar transmission and absorption in winter to minimize or reduce to zero the heating energy consumption, while preventing overheating.
■ Use received solar gains for instantaneous heating load and store the remainder in embodied thermal mass or specially built storage devices.
■ Reduce heat losses using insulation and windows with high solar heat gain factors.
■ Employ shading control devices or strategically planted deciduous trees to exclude summer solar gains that create additional cooling load.
■ Employ natural ventilation to transfer heat from hot zones to cool zones in winter and for natural cooling in the summer; use ground-source cooling and heating to transfer heat to and from the underground, which is more or less at a constant temperature, and utilize evaporative cooling.
Design procedure
The initial design steps in solar design are to:
1. Set performance targets for energy sources and uses.
2. Minimize heating and cooling loads through orientation, massing, envelope and landscape design.
3. Maximize solar and other renewable energy to meet the building load, then to design efficient systems that are integrated with the building envelope performance characteristics.
4. Use simple energy simulation tools and detailed simulations in evaluating options at the early design stages and later to assess alternatives.
Wondering if you should FINANCE TO OWN OR LEASE your solar system? 

Our services include:

  • FREE Site evaluation
  • Technology and product recommendations
  • Return on investment calculations
  • System design
  • Permitting
  • System installation
For those who want a more aesthetic solar installation, building-integrated or building-applied solutions are the answer. Talk to us before you talk to your architect or designer to include these ideas in your designs.


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